
"Whatever it seems like isn't really 'it' at all."

I know it all sounds so esoteric but you will have to excuse that sort of reference completely.  I'm not saying I have the answers and I'm not even suggesting to have any real valuable questions because that would be sort of unrealistic and perhaps a little too "clammy" of me.  Those clams lying on the beach, washed up from their watery home and left to be ingested by a variety of animals could quite possibly be the most intelligent critters alive today.  Talk about "being in the moment" or quite simply "being".  I suggest you take a stroll over to your nearest fish market and have a look at the tanks containing clams.  They are there watching you watching them.  I should know,  I've seen them do exactly that.  But before I get too much into the subject of well-adjusted clams I had better let you know what the intention of this website really is:

"To be able to voice an opinion about any subject, situation or circumstance under the bright sun (or dark cloud for that matter) that hangs above us."       

A patient exhibits his unusual skin ailment.

"Tomorrow is a new day (with a new set of problems too!)"

He lost his "clam" for life.
I would like to stay put for just once in my life and actually have the time to really assess and address the issue at that very moment, but in today's fast-paced life, that is almost an impossibility.  Although perhaps not,  if you think of our aquatic acquaintance the clam,  who shall from hereon be known as the "well-versed clam". 

I once caught sight of a very attractive young woman so I decided to be "bold".  I smiled at her in a friendly way and she looked right past me and turned away.  Now,  I have to confess it did give me the inspiration to write a song about a similar (though completely fictional) incident entitled "Scrapyard Blues" but it also left me feeling really depressed and anxious.  Not as depressed as the man photographed above but sufficiently depressed to get me thinking about life and myself in a whole new and destructive way.

Silly,  I know but I would imagine most of the "unclammed" portion of society would certainly have experienced this or a very similar emotion. 

It is crippling but don't tell anyone about it because most of the time no one is really interested.

To listen to my song "Scrapyard Blues" visit http://www.reverbnation.com/davidfloyd