
"A cattle call is worth more than a few bucks, Joe..."

This is not a dead duck.
Unbelievably there are more people showing interest in becoming well-adjusted, well-liked and well-informed and in the process actually forget what it is they are really looking for.  You might ask the question:  "Well, what are they looking for?"  That is a difficult question to answer here because I'm not really that interested myself, and because I honestly believe that most of the "unclammed" have lost their way and have no idea what it is they really want.  Oh, they all say they know what it is they are after:  "I want more money, I want a house of my own, I want a girlfriend/boyfriend, I want a husband who doesn't really behave like a man but he MUST be absolutely male,  I want twenty dogs and a holiday in Europe every year, I want children and a partner but don't ask me for commitment because I just cannot give that to you."  The list is endless and often excruciatingly dull and tiresome,  and I would rather spend my time digging holes in the backyard but for practicality's sake I will speak about this and possibly ramble away onto another totally different topic altogether. 

Think about what it is you really want.  No.  I mean what you really want.  Is it possible to obtain it?  Of course it is but then again maybe not.  That's the whole problem with society, isn't it?  We are constantly encouraged to follow our dreams, never give up on the things we want for ourselves but at the same we're reminded that to be a great artist, musician or lawyer for that matter is perhaps just too far out of our reach, and after all we should think about getting some "stable" job so we will be able to afford to pay the rent at the end of the month.  So, we have a case of "golden dreams" where everything is possible and idyllic, mixed together with "this is your life" where you can only go so far and you should stop day-dreaming and actually think of being realistic about things. 

What is it that we're meant to be doing then?  What should we be doing in order for us to be completely accepted?  Having a bar code stamped on the nape of my neck, or a micro chip inserted somewhere under my skin is not my idea of living.  Leave that to the dolphins with transmitter devices strapped to their bodies or the sharks that swim about and who really (when you think about it) just want to be left alone in their watery environment.  If things reach that point then I would rather (in Gilbert O' Sullivan's words) "...visit a nearby tower/and climbing to the top/will throw myself off".  A perfect way to bid farewell to a very strange planet indeed!  But again, this is all just speculation and I am not really considering ending my life by tossing my body off a building so please do not be alarmed. 

All I am trying to understand is:  are we meant to be free and fully able to follow our own unique path (whatever that may be) or should we instead be like mindless machines, performing mundane tasks each and every single day in a world where everyone and everything looks identical?  What are we supposed to do?!  Are we supposed to work 10 - 12 hours a day just for one grocery store's own financial benefit and reputation in an already unstable market place?  I am skeptical.  I honestly do not believe that this could be the way to achieve our full potential.  I understand the money situation is a problem in this global recession we are all currently experiencing but why give away your life just to be a number on someone else's spreadsheet?  As I mentioned in my blog space, I am not ignorant of the fact that we all require money in order to live but should your life be taken away from you by working 24/7 just to add a little more to your paycheck or be able to impress others with your status in this fickle world? 

Sure, I realize that you would like to retire by your mid-forties and you would like to take an annual holiday but one day when you're old and too tired to move, you might regret having spent all your days "chasing the buck" as it were only to end up resentful and alone.  You might even stop (just before you close your eyes for the last time) and think about all those partners who really did Love and care for you during your youth but were turned away in favour of career, wealth, status and ultimately loneliness.  You may even think about them enjoying watching their own grandchildren run through a park on a sunny day while you sit alone and stare out onto a canvass that could easily have been that much more bright and colourful. 

P.S  I did say I was bound to ramble a little, didn't I?

Listen to my instrumental called "Old Soldiers" at http://www.reverbnation.com/davidfloyd