
"Just for once I wish you would get something right!"

I'm sure he enjoyed a clam or two before take off.
As far as I am concerned the weather can be inclement for as long as it likes.  There is nothing like watching rain as it falls from the sky.  I also love the sound it makes as it lands on things like tin roofs, asphalt, plastic bags, and the tap tap taps on an exposed leaf.  Yes, these things make me smile, they make me thoughtful (as if I could use help there) and often times they inspire me.  The sound of a car driving over a particularly wet stretch of road is also music to my ears.  I enjoy taking walks in the rain too.  I can never understand the anxiety people have about being "caught in the rain".  As if rain could do anything besides make you wet but honestly, there are far worse things in this world than being out in the rain.
I remember a specific time in my life when I was out and about during a pleasant drizzle.  I was accompanied by a rather beautiful individual who like me, had no fear of getting wet.  We walked the back roads, looked at quaint houses, strolled up and down tree-lined avenues and laughed at the people rushing to and fro in an effort to "save" themselves from a little drizzle.  Yes, we laughed a lot which is always a good thing and we discussed life in general and how utterly disappointing it can be.  The circumstances  which enabled us to be together on that particular day under a canopy of clouds were not happy, nor inspiring but I will forever remember it with loving fondness. 
It is the quietness that accompanies  a rainfall, particularly a drizzle which can be so calming and beneficial for one's own mental state.  Even the din of traffic seems to somehow dissipate during a rainfall.  It is nature's way of saying:  "Shut up y'all!"  Actually, I would have used a different phrase but I am not entirely sure my host would appreciate it.  I do have responsibilities but for the life of me I cannot remember one of them right now. 
I wonder whether the quietness we experience during a rainfall is akin to the life of a "well-versed clam"?  I doubt whether they would even consider such a comparison worthwhile but I would pose the question to them nonetheless if it were at all possible.  I am sure something would be gained by diving to the seabed and asking that question.  Possibly death by drowning or upon resurfacing, a case of "the bends" but what an adventure it would be, hey?  The ecstasy of seating oneself before a giant clam on a sandy seabed and bubbling out that question from a mouth just begging to inhale some air.  Yes, that would be something indeed but I would not recommend it unless you are absolutely careless by nature or utterly expendable. 
Instead, I would suggest taking some time out by watching the rain fall, by listening to it, and even by feeling it.  In that way you would not be putting yourself at risk in any way, unless of course you happen to be standing in the middle of a freeway or beside a building site where cranes are lifting heavy items to the very tops of incomplete skyscrapers. 
No, no.  Find yourself a relatively safe area to either stand or sit and consider the life of a "well-versed clam" as you watch, listen and feel (if you don't mind getting wet) the rain as it falls.  There has to be some sort of benefit in doing this, because it sure as hell beats lying down on a bed of nails. 
Right-E-O...  here endeth the sermon for the day. 

Listen to my instrumental called "Sympathy For A Drifting Cloud" at http://www.reverbnation.com/davidfloyd