
"I said I Love You but I won't marry you...  Now."

A VERY inconsiderate thing to do.
Listen to me.  There is no need to be overly concerned with the woes and troubles of this world because it seems to me that life itself exists and even thrives on being this way.  I know there are many wonderful occurrences in life and when they do occur we are often not as grateful as we perhaps should be,  but these occurrences often seem lackluster and diluted by comparison.  It would be easy to dismiss this notion and accuse me of looking at life in a rather negative way but I have found that even when one is approaching life in a positive light and trying to simply "be" in each and every moment that is exactly when you will receive a severe blow to the head or gut.  A numbing sensation is the result which further embitters an individual and leaves them asking the question:  "Why did this happen to me?" 

Oh yes,  I know the meaning of macabre and sometimes I even embrace that way of thinking but is it really possible to simply get yourself back up and fighting over and over again?  There are many books and tutorials available online and pushed to the very back of many a dusty shelf.  I myself find them to be invaluable bookends or just something to press on when you're writing a thesis on the quality of television in the 21st century,  however I would certainly recommend them to anyone looking for a better way of living but after awhile they do all begin to sound a little too "clam-like".
In that respect, I resent well-versed clams and their way of life because I feel that somehow they've managed to get one "up" on me in their approach to life. 

A well-versed clam is not concerned about what to do with its life because it is already doing what it is meant to be doing.  It quietly nestles itself on the seabed and lives out its days with little regard for you,  me or indeed life itself.  The only time it may become concerned is when it is being baked or ingested by some "beastie". 

 I'm quite sure not everyone would want to lead the life of a well-versed clam but there are worse options to consider.  For instance you could be a dog which has a habit of eating its own poop or the poop of other dogs in the neighbourhood without even flinching,  or a mole that finds itself stranded in the middle of a freeway,  or even a male praying mantis in the unfortunate position of copulation with a rather savage and ravenous mate.  The list is endless but it doesn't really make any difference  anyway because no matter where you may find yourself on the food chain there will come a time (or a thousand times at least) when life will rip out your heart and stomp on it until all the liquid has been expelled from its very core, and then afterward,  as if to make a complete mockery of you,  pat you on the back.  Oh well... it could be worse.  Or could it? 
One of life's little "bumps".